COVID-19 Booster Eligibility Tool
Beginning September 20, 2021, COVID-19 Booster shots will be available to those who have received both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. To find out when you will first be eligible for your COVID-19 Booster, please enter the date on which you received your second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. You will be eligible to receive your COVID-19 Booster vaccine any time on or after the future date that is given.

State-by-State School Mask Mandates
This dashboard has been archived and is no longer being updated. A list of state-by-state policy, legislation, and litigation regarding school mask mandates.

COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Plan for Disability Tracker

This dashboard has been archived and is no longer being updated. The dashboard was created as a partnership between the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center and the Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities as a starting point for understanding how each state is prioritizing the disability community in COVID-19 vaccine distribution and intends to help people with disabilities determine when they qualify for a COVID-19 vaccine in their state.

COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization for People with Disabilities – The Lancet Volume 6 June 2021

“…the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center created the COVID-10 Vaccine Prioritization Dashboard for People with Disabilities in collaboration with the Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities. This tool compiles COVID-19 vaccine prioritization information from all 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and five US territories, which is abstracted from the state and territory public health website weekly. The dashboard intends to be an accessible resource that allows comparison of US state and territory vaccine prioritization schemes for these groups. The data generated additionally provide important insight with regard to inequities for the disability community.”

Social Stories for the COVID-19 Vaccine

Videos of our social stories and Common Asked Questions documents on COVID-19

Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine (English)

Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine (Spanish) “Reciber Una Vacuna”

Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Social Story Screen Reader Version (Word Format)

Fact Sheets on COVID-19 Vaccine

Common Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine

Fact Sheets on Rights during COVID-19 Response

How to Safeguard Against Disability Discrimination During COVID-19

Do you Know Your Rights with COVID-19

Infographic on Disability Discrimination in Healthcare during COVID-19 Pandemic

Research Summaries on COVID-19 and Disability

COVID-19 Case and Mortality Report for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Healthcare Denial and Discrimination

Types of Discrimination and Discrimination Remedies