
Upcoming Webinars:

Cripping Sex Ed– February 20th @ 3pm (EST)

Past Webinars:

What Should Centers for Independent Living Know About Intersectionality– a panel discussion that dives into how Centers for Independent Living can better serve people with intersecting identities.

The Intersection of Ableism and Racism in Healthcare – Ola Ojewumi guides us through what ableism and racism in healthcare look like.

#Webinar Wednesday– During the month of September,  The Center for Dignity will be hosting #WebinarWednesday each week at 12pm (EST). Each session will be focused on  medical recommendations to close the gap in healthcare inequities among people with disabilities in regard to Mental Health/Suicide Prevention, Organ Transplantation, Aging/End of Life, and Prenatal Diagnosis. 

How to Include People with Disabilities in Science and Medicine: A Discussion about Disability Identity Presenters: Kara Ayers, PhD, Christopher Moreland, MD, MPH, and Nicole Taylor, DO

Human Development Institute Seminar Series: The Role of Ableism in Perpetuating Healthcare Inequities for People with Disabilities

Presenter: Kara Ayers, PhD

Mental Health and Developmental Disability National Training Center Webinar on Preventing Suicide Among Youth with Disabilities

Presenters: Leah Smith, MPA & Kara Ayers, PhD