The National Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality identified organ transplantation as a critical area for addressing ableism, issuing the below recommendations to address discrimination in the organ transplantation process.
- HRSA Directive
- UNOS’ ‘Actions to Strengthen the U.S. Donation and Transplant System’
- The U.S. Congress enacted the Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act (In September of 2023)
- The National Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality has identified organ transplantation as a critical area for addressing ableism, issuing recommendations to address discrimination in the organ transplantation process.
- US Launches Probe into Possible Fraud into Possible Fraud by Organ Collection Groups
- Ethical Principles in the Allocation of Human Organs, Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/ resources/ethics/ethical-principles-in-the-allocation-of-human-organs (Last Updated Jun. 2015).
- National Council on Disability, Organ Transplant Discrimination Against People with Disabilities 53-55 (Sept. 25, 2019), available at https://ncd.gov/sites/default/files/NCD_Organ_Transplant_508.pdf.
- National Council on Disability. NCD Letter to HHS and DOJ on Organ Transplants. September 25, 2019. https://ncd.gov/publications/2019/ncd-letter-hhs-and-doj-organ-transplants
- For additional guidance regarding clinical assessment of people with I/DD