Spotlight on Disabled Authors- Meet Kevin Berry

In this issue of our Spotlight on Disabled Authors, we’re excited for you to meet Kevin Berry, author of STIM. Joining us from New Zealand, we had the opportunity to chat with Kevin. We discussed everything from his book, disability, and his advice to other writers with a disability.

Spotlight on Disabled Authors- Meet Kevin Berry. Image of Kevin Berry- white male with a blue and white striped shirt on and short graying hair.

I am an Amazon best-selling author living in earthquake-hit Christchurch, New Zealand, where my contemporary novels are set. I’m a night owl and prefer writing late into the night whenever possible. I’m neurodiverse, having diagnoses of Asperger’s Syndrome (now called ASD), Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder.

My books span a variety of genres. I’ve written contemporary crime noir fiction, contemporary YA (social issues), science fiction, middle grade interactive fiction, and co-written fantasy (now out of print).

My work has so far produced a Sir Julius Vogel Award (shared), the elusive Awesome Indies Seal of Approval (twice), Amazon (US) #1 Bestseller ranking in Australian & Oceanian Literature, and Amazon (CA) #1 Bestseller rankings in Noir mysteries and thrillers, and Hard-boiled mysteries.

The National Center for Disability, Equity, and Intersectionality had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Kevin Berry. Among other books, Kevin is the author of STIM. We enjoyed the opportunity to discuss how his disability has impacted his writing, STIM, and to hear what’s next for him.

About the Book:

Spotlight on Disabled Authors- Meet Kevin Berry. Image of the cover of the book STIM. Young man sits holding a book over his head. The words STIM are above in blue text. author: Kevin Berry Gold seal is on the bottom with letters AIA

Robert’s life is a huge struggle.
Asperger’s Syndrome: Robert experiences the world differently to 99% of the population.
He struggles to accept himself, tries to understand others – but can’t – and find a girlfriend. Especially find a girlfriend – he’s decided it’s his special project for the year.

Accompanied by his quirky flatmates, Chloe (who also has Asperger’s and mental illness, amongst other things), Stef (who hasn’t, but doesn’t mind) and their oddly-named kitten, Robert endures a myriad of awkward moments in his quest to meet a nice, normal girl.

And not even a major earthquake will stop him

Interview with Kevin Berry

Want to see more like this? Check out some of our other spotlight on author’s with disabilities.